Apnikusi Jūsu palīdzības dienesta programmatūra

Atklājiet, kāpēc LiveAgent ir labākā alternatīva tirgū.

  • ✓ Bez iestatīšaas maksas
  • ✓ Klientu atbalsts 24/7
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palīdzīaas dienesta programmatūras alternatīvas?

Simtiem alternatīvu risinājumu ļauj sniegt atbalstu saviem klientiem, taču tikai daži piedāvā vairāk par 175 palīdzības dienesta funkcijām.

Esam sagatavojuši sarakstu ar visnepieciešamākajām palīdzības dienesta programmatūras daļām, ieskaitot e-pastu biļešu sistēmu, tiešsaistes tērzētavu, zvanu centru, sociālo tīklu atbalstu un citas populāras funkcijas.

Mēs iesakām Jums izmēģināt LiveAgent uz savas ādas, lai saprastu, vai tas atbilst Jūsu vajadzībām. Tas ir bezmaksas, bet iestatīšana aizņem līdz 5 minūtēm.

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Salīdziniet 5 labākos palīdzības dienesta risinājumus

Skatiet, kā LiveAgent izskatās saslīdzīnājumā ar citiem vadošajiem alternatīvu risinājumiem tirgū.
Pilnībā caurspīdīgi, bez slēptas informācijas.

Features LiveAgent
Try the best help desk alternative for free! No credit card required.
Zendesk competitor.
Freshdesk competitor.
LiveChat competitor.
Intercom competitor.
Connects with multiple lines of communication (such as email, live chat, a call center, or social media) to streamline all messages, and allow users to respond to them from the ticketing software.
$9/month/agent Included in the Small plan that costs $9 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$59/month/agent Included in the Professional plan that costs $59 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$19/month/agent Included in the Blossom plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$19/month/agent Included in the Starter plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$79/month/agent Included in the Starter plan that costs $79 for first agent per month. Every additional agent costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Live Chat
A native live chat widget that can be deployed on your site and used for real-time communication with your website visitors.
$29/month/agent Included in the Medium plan that costs $29 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$15-59/month/agent Available as an Add-on feature for $15-59 per month. All prices are in USD.
$45/month/agent Included in the Garden plan that costs $45 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$19/month/agent Included in the Starter plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
On-demand pricing Included in the plans with pricing on demand.
Built-in Call Center
A virtual call center with a centralized dashboard for making, receiving, and managing calls.
$49/month/agent Included in the Large plan that costs $49 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$45/month/agent Available as an Add-on feature for $45 per month. All prices are in USD.
$85/month/agent Included in the Estate plan that costs $85 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
LiveChat doesn't offer this feature
Intercom doesn't offer this feature
Facebook & Twitter
An integration that fetches all Tweets, comments, mentions, and Facebook messages and transforms them into tickets that can be answered directly from the software.
$39/month/account Available as an Add-on feature for $39 per month per account, or in Large plan for $49/month/agent. All prices are in USD.
$25/month/agent Included in the Team plan that costs $25 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$19/month/agent Included in the Blossom plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
LiveChat doesn't offer this feature
On-demand pricing Included in the plans with pricing on demand.
Rules & Automation
Automation rules that can be implemented to speed up customer support processes.
$9/month/agent Included in the Small plan that costs $9 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$25/month/agent Included in the Team plan that costs $25 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$45/month/agent Included in the Garden plan that costs $45 per agent per month, or can be added on. All prices are in USD.
LiveChat doesn't offer this feature
On-demand pricing Included in the plans with pricing on demand.
Business Hours & SLAs
A feature that enables you to manage and monitor SLA logs, SLA compliance, and set business hours.
$9/month/agent Included in the Small plan that costs $9 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$59/month/agent Included in the Professional plan that costs $59 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$19/month/agent Included in the Blossom plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
LiveChat doesn't offer this feature
Intercom doesn't offer this feature
Audit Logs
An activity log that records all actions done within the help desk system.
$49/month/agent Included in the Large plan that costs $49 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Zendesk doesn't offer this feature
$65/month/agent Included in the Estate plan that costs $65 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
LiveChat doesn't offer this feature
Intercom doesn't offer this feature
Unlimited History
An unlimited ticketing viewing history. (You don't lose access to tickets after a certain time period.)
$15/month/agent Included in the Small plan that costs $9 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$25/month/agent Included in the Team plan that costs $25 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$19/month/agent Included in the Blossom plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$39/month/agent Included in the Team plan that costs $39 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$79/month/agent Included in the Starter plan that costs $79 for first agent per month. Every additional agent costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Remove Branding
Option to use a white label (branding free).
$19/month/agent Available as an Add-on feature for $19 per month. All prices are in USD.
Zendesk doesn't offer this feature
$19/month/agent Included in the Blossom plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$59/month/agent Included in the Business plan that costs $59 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Intercom doesn't offer this feature
24/7 Personalized Success Team
A dedicated customer success team that's assigned to you and available to help 24/7 365 across all communication channels.
$9/month/agent Included in the Small plan that costs $9 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Zendesk doesn't offer this feature
$19/month/agent Included in the Blossom plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
$19/month/agent Included in the Starter plan that costs $19 per agent per month. All prices are in USD.
Intercom doesn't offer this feature

Vai zaudējat savu Zen? Nejūtaties pietiekami Svaigs?

Jūsu palīdzības dienesta sistēma vairs nepilda savu mērķi? Atgrieziet sava biznesa dzīvību ar LiveAgent. Dodiet tam iespēju ar 14 dienu bezmaksas izmēģinājumu.

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Saistītie Raksti arAlternatīvas
Liveagent ir labākais palīdzības dienesta risinājums Jūsu uzņēmumam. Liveagent nodrošina atbalstu, izmantojot e-pastu, tērzēšanu tiešsaistē, sociālos medijus, zināšanu bāzi un zvanu centru par vienu izdevīgu cenu. Izvēlieties vienu no mūsu trim maksas plāniem vai izvēlieties atsevišķas funkcijas, lai pielāgotu savu palīdzības dienestu.

Meklējat alternatīvu ZenDesk Talk?

Iegūstiet LiveAgent - palīdzības dienesta programmatūru, kas ir populāra alternatīva Hiver, Verloop un Samanage. Lietotāji to izceļ kā lētu un labu integrāciju piedāvājošu risinājumu maziem un vidējiem uzņēmumiem.

Vai vēlaties pāriet no Helpshift uz citu klientu apkalpošanas programmatūru? Apskatiet LiveAgent un uzziniet, vai tas Jums ir piemērots.

Vai Jūs meklējiet Helpshift alternatīvu?

LiveAgent ir īpaši labs risinājums klientu apkalpošanai, atbalstam un komunikācijai. Tas ir vienkāršs izmantošanā un pievieno vērtību biznesam.

Liveagent ir labākais klientu atbalsta risinājums jūsu biznesam. Izmantojot noderīgus rīkus, vairāku kanālu pārklājumu un vairāk nekā 175 funkcijas, liveagent ir pareizā izvēle jūsu biznesam. Liveagent tērzēšanas logrīks ir ātrākais tirgū, un tērzēšanas ātrums ir 2,5 sekundes.

Vai meklējat Verloop alternatīvu?

LiveAgent ir laba alternatīva Verloop un Smartsupp programmatūrām, piedāvājot labāku klientu apmierinātību un integrācijas ar citiem rīkiem.

Liveagent piedāvā vairāk iespēju, ja runa ir par klientu atbalsta sniegšanu. Tas ir pilnīgs risinājums jūsu biznesam. Izvēlieties vienu no mūsu trim maksas paketēm vai izvēlieties atsevišķus līdzekļus.

Meklējatalternat;ivu Vision?

LiveAgent piedāvā uzlabotu klientu apmierinātību un reklāmguvumu ar pieņemamām cenām, palielinot produktivitāti un sniedzot pielāgojamus līdzekļus.

Mūsu mājaslapa izmanto sīkdatnes. Turpinot, mēs pieņemam, ka Jūs dodat atļauju izvietot sīkfailus, kā ir aprakstīts mūsu privātuma un sīkdatņu politiku.

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